Monday, March 30, 2015

Waiting for Spring

I'm waiting for this winter to be over. I always embrace my home (as I am lucky to have it) and I love to be surrounded by my family, but there is a time when one must find ways to break free from the routine snow storms and work. Over the snowiest season I've ever seen, I found I was able to do that by painting. 

I wish I could say the same for my writing but this past season has not allowed me to be so fortunate. My morning writing sessions were blotted out by horrendous commutes resulting in sporadic journal entries and zero stories. This morning I wrote as much as I could. Unfortunately when the ink is dry for a period of time it takes effort to get my mind flowing. 

For now, I will share my paintings and crochet projects that I've done over the last few months. 

This painting is called "A Rest Between Cycles". I painted it because Michael's was having a contest to win a trip to Paris. I'm happy with it. I started drawing it in pencil. 

I painted a tutorial of a fruity drink while I was wishing I was in Costa Rica. 

I did another sort of tutorial of a couple in the rain. The silhouettes for the tutorial, it turned out, were a template, which I did not have. So, I drew mine in pencil from scratch and filled in the figures. I love it. So didn't Emil's brother, who asked me for it. I gave it to him after seeing how happy it made him.

Then I've been working on hats. I made this black one for my friend at work. 

My sister liked it so much, she asked me for one. I'm now mailing her this green one.

It's been a fun creative winter but I'm looking forward to warmer weather and more outdoor time.